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Create a New Job

The Job API allows authorized users to create new job listings using the following endpoint.

Endpoint: POST /job

This endpoint enables an authorized user to create a new job listing.

Example Request Body

Request Body:

"company": "Company Name",
"position": "Job Position",
"status": "pending" /* or "interview" or "declined" */,
/* Other fields if needed */

Responce (success):

"job": {
"company": "your company name",
"position": "Job Position",
"status": "pending",
"createdBy": "64dceee96e2db27f33de306b",
"_id": "64ddfb1d5cae6dba1686e258",
"createdAt": "2023-08-17T10:49:01.788Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-08-17T10:49:01.788Z",
"__v": 0
"success": true

Response (Field Missing):

"message": "feilds can not be empty",
"success": false


  • The provided code snippet illustrates the backend implementation for creating jobs. Ensure you have implemented the necessary middleware for user authentication and error handling.
  • In the request body, the company, position, and status fields are required. The status field can have one of the following values: "interview", "pending", or "declined".
  • The createdBy field is automatically set to the ID of the authorized user who created the job.
  • The timestamps option ensures that creation and update timestamps are automatically recorded for each job listing.
  • Proper error handling and data validation are essential to ensure the security and reliability of the API.
  • Ensure that only authorized users can create jobs to maintain data integrity and security