Get Elements
Retrieve All Elements
To obtain a list of all elements from the Periodic Table API, you can send a GET request to the following endpoint:
GET api/v1/elements
This request will provide you with a comprehensive list of chemical elements, sorted by atomic number in ascending order. Each element's data includes properties such as atomic number, symbol, name, atomic mass, electronegativity, melting point, boiling point, density, group block, and the year of discovery.
"_id": "64eb6deba62b75e7a12795af",
"atomicNumber": 1,
"symbol": "H",
"name": "Hydrogen",
"atomicMass": 1.008,
"electronegativity": 2.2,
"meltingPoint": -259.14,
"boilingPoint": -252.87,
"density": 0.0899,
"groupBlock": "nonmetal",
"yearDiscovered": 1766,
"__v": 0
The API will respond with a JSON array containing information about each element, allowing you to access and utilize this data for various educational or testing purposes.
Retrieve Single Elements
To retrieve specific information about a chemical element from the Periodic Table API, you can send a GET request with the element's ID to the following endpoint:
GET api/v1/elements/:id
Replace :id in the endpoint with the unique ID of the element you want to access. This request will return detailed data about the element, including its atomic number, symbol, name, atomic mass, electronegativity, melting point, boiling point, density, group block, and year of discovery.
"_id": "64eb6deba62b75e7a12795d4",
"atomicNumber": 38,
"symbol": "Sr",
"name": "Strontium",
"atomicMass": 87.62,
"electronegativity": 0.95,
"meltingPoint": 777,
"boilingPoint": 1377,
"density": 2.64,
"groupBlock": "alkaline earth metal",
"yearDiscovered": 1790,
"__v": 0
The API will respond with a JSON object containing the specific information for the element associated with the provided ID. This allows you to fetch detailed data for a particular element of interest.
Please note that this endpoint does not require any authentication, making it easy to access and retrieve element data effortlessly.