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Update Element

To modify the details of a chemical element in the Periodic Table API, you can send a PATCH request to the following endpoint:

PATCH api/v1/elements/:id

Replace :id in the endpoint with the unique ID of the element you want to update. This request should include a JSON payload containing the specific fields you wish to modify for the element.




"density": 21.45


"_id": "651beca7c0b231a02b3f815f",
"atomicNumber": 78,
"symbol": "Pt",
"name": "Platinum",
"atomicMass": 195.084,
"electronegativity": 2.28,
"meltingPoint": 2041.4,
"boilingPoint": 4098,
"density": 21.45,
"groupBlock": "Transition Metal",
"yearDiscovered": 1735,
"__v": 0

The API will respond with the updated details of the element, including any changes you made. This allows you to make adjustments to the properties of an element as needed.


Do not mislead by updating fields of the element by incorrect data