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Create a New Task

The Create Task endpoint of the Task Manager API enables you to add a new task to the task manager system. This endpoint accepts a JSON payload with the task details, including the task name and completion status. No authentication is required to use this endpoint.

Base URL:

Endpoint: /api/v1/task




This endpoint allows you to create a new task in the task manager system.

Request Payload The request payload should be a JSON object with the following fields:

name (string, required): The name or description of the new task. completed (boolean, required): Indicates whether the task is completed (true) or not (false).

"name": "Buy groceries",
"completed": false


The response will be a JSON object with the following structure:

"name": "Buy groceries",
"completed": false,
"createdAt": "0 seconds ago",
"updatedAt": "0 seconds ago",
"success": true

if feild is missing

"message": "feild must be provided"
  • name (string): The name or description of the task.
  • completed (boolean): Indicates whether the task is completed (true) or not (false).
  • createdAt (string): A human-readable string representing the creation date of the task (e.g., "0 seconds ago").
  • updatedAt (string): A human-readable string representing the last update date of the task (e.g., "0 seconds ago").
  • success (boolean): Indicates the success status of the request. It will be true if the request was successful.