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Delete Task

The Delete Task endpoint of the Task Manager API allows you to remove a specific task using its unique identifier (ID). This endpoint requires a DELETE request and provides a JSON response confirming the deletion of the task.

Base URL:

Endpoint: api/v1/task/{task_id}

Replace {task_id} with the actual ID of the task you want to update




This endpoint deletes the task with the given ID.


The response will be a JSON object with the following structure:

"message": "Task deleted",
"task": {
"_id": "64799c0b07be72b2d962cbb6",
"name": "wash dish",
"completed": false,
"createdAt": "2023-06-02T07:36:43.052Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-08-26T12:04:51.739Z",
"__v": 0
"success": true


message (string): A confirmation message indicating that the task has been deleted. task (object): An object containing the details of the deleted task, including its ID, name, completion status, creation date, and update date. success (boolean): Indicates the success status of the request. It will be true if the request was successful.